Another Amazing Day

The Project Indiana team had another amazing day on the mountain. The weather cleared up, the sun shone, and the temperature was in the 80s.
The ladies in the village did the team’s laundry and hung it out to dry this morning.
The crew hung another 11 spans of wire. Because of the terrain, the spans are ranging from 350-ft. to approximately 1,100-ft. For context, the average span in the U.S. is approximately 300 ft. The crew also hung the second transformer and dug some additional anchor holes today.

The crew also started some work around the village school, which already has a power source. However, the current line runs through some vegetation, which causes power outages. The crew will be moving the line to avoid the trees and, ultimately, avoid power outages they cause during storms.
The remainder of the triplex line was also delivered to the village today.
Project Indiana board member Ron Holcomb participated in a meeting of the local cooperative’s board.

And, a couple of members of the crew scouted some maintenance work on existing lines. The potential work is very near the Mexican/Guatemalan border and about an hour from Pena Roja. If the project team is able to finish the Pena Roja project in enough time, they will assist the local cooperative with some necessary maintenance.
The terrain is rough compared to what they’re used to in Indiana, specifically walking up and down the mountain many times a day – making for some sore toes and feet. At the end of the day, the team reports that they are loving the experience and are looking forward to future opportunities in Guatemala.